A film produced by Begoña Echeverria and Marianna Etcheverria was shown at our Club dinner in April.It is an overview of the senseless bombing of Gernika, Picasso’s painting and how it is that today the Club has a descendant from that infamous tree.
The Chino Basque Club offers scholarships to children of Chino Basque Club members who attend or plan on attending a 4-year college. Please contact Begoña Echeverria at b.echeverria@ucr.edu
If you would like to attend a workshop on the college application process, Begoña Echeverria is willing to meet with you at the Club on Saturday, May 20 at 6 p.m.
Pilota practice is at the Aphessetche Trinquet and at the Centro Basco during the spring & summer months. 9 a.m. on Sundays. Email Mike Aphessetche for information at mikexa70@gmail.com.
Pala practice at the Aphessetche Trinquet. Time will fluctuate, so phone John Plaa for information (951) 205-6030.
Dance Practices at the Chino Basque Club, 4 p.m. on Sundays
Board of Directors
President: JB Aguerre (c)
Vice-President: Isidore Camou
Treasurer: Jeanette Duhart
Secretary / Newsletter: Marianna Etcheverria
Directors: Martin Almirantearena Jeanette Bidart, Andréa Bidart-Oteiza, Louise Camou, Begoña Echeverria, Steve Gamboa, Mitch Gariador, Kathie Goyeneche, Norberta St. Esteben
Mus Chairperson: J.B. Aguerre (c)
Jr. Mus Coordinator: Candida Echeverria
Club Event Coordinator: Candida Echeverria
Cooking Crew: I. Camou, S. Gamboa, Mitch Gariador & N. Irisarri
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