Monthly Newsletter | May 2017


Saturday, May 20, 2017 at 6 p.m.

lamb txilindron, chicken & beans

Adults, $20 | Children, $10

click here to make reservations



This month we will be remembering the 1980s.

It was decade of Cabbage Patch Kids, Rubik’s Cubes and PacMan.

“Back to the Future,” “Dirty Dancing” and “Flashdance” were defining films.

The Berlin Wall went down and the Chino Basque Club went up.

Bring your favorite music to dance to Duran Duran, Tears of Fears, The Cars and more.  Do you remember Running Man? The Sprinkler? The Moonwalk?

Also, bring a photo(s) from the 1980s of yourself, your friends, the club…


The Udaleku Committee is still in need of the following:

1)  Help with transportation for the weeks beginning June 26 through July 7, 2017;

2)  Food donations for 100 children as well as teachers & aides;

3)  Kitchen crews (cooking and serving)—sign up sheets will be available at the Club dinner on May 20.

If you can help in any way please contact:

Maite Maisterrena at (909) 240-5159 

or ask to sign up Saturday night, May 20 at the club dinner.


Dance practices are up and running on Sunday afternoons at the Club at 4 p.m.

If your children are between the ages of 4 and 12,

we would love to see them be a part of the group.

Xori Ttipiak range from 4-6 years, Euskaldun Izarrak ages 7-9 years,

and Dantzari Onestak ages 10-12 years.

For more information about the different dance groups click below:

Information on Chino Basque Dance Groups


A film produced by Begoña Echeverria and
Marianna Etcheverria was shown at our Club dinner in April.
It is an overview of the senseless bombing of Gernika, Picasso’s painting and how it is that today the Club has a descendant from that infamous tree.

Click below to view this video.

Click here to watch the “GERNIKA”

The Chino Basque Club offers scholarships to children of Chino Basque Club members who attend or plan on attending a 4-year college.  Please contact Begoña Echeverria at

If you would like to attend a workshop on the college application process,
Begoña Echeverria is willing to meet with you at the Club on Saturday, May 20 at 6 p.m.

Click below to make a reservation.

College Applications Workshop


Memorial Fund: 
  • In Memory of Jeanne Plaa by Maite Petrissans
Scholarship Fund: 
  • In Memory of Jeanne Plaa by Mary Jane La Costa
  • In Memory of Jeanne Plaa by Mr. & Mrs. Jeanot Mocho
  • In Memory of Jeanne Plaa by Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Paris
  • In Memory of Jeanne Plaa by Alex Diharce
  • In Memory of Jeanne Plaa by Mr. & Mrs. Madsen
  • In Memory of Jeanne Plaa by Mr. & Mrs. Mitch Etchemendy
  • In Memory of Jeanne Plaa by Alice & Arnaud Arrosagaray
  • In Memory of Jeanne Plaa by Mary Jane, Mary Louise & John Labrucherie
  • In Memory of Jeanne Plaa by Michel & Maite Biscaichipy
  • In Memory of Jeanne Plaa by Barbara Baldwin
  • In Memory of Marie Ahadoberry, Jeanne Plaa, Gabino Quintana, Carlos Gamboa, Eugenie Sallaberria by Denis & Nancy Petrissans
Donations to Memorial Fund or Scholarship Fund can be sent to:
Chino Basque Club   |   PO Box 1080   |   Chino, CA 91710



20 > CBC Club Dinner, 6 p.m. celebrating the 1980s

28 > Kern County Basque Club Picnic, 10 a.m.



10 > NABO Mus Finals, Fresno

25 > CBC Club Lunch & Udaleku drop-off, 12 p.m.

26 >  Udaleku begins



2 > So California Basque Club Picnic,  Chino Fairgrounds, 10 a.m.

7 >  Udaleku Performance & Dinner at Chino Basque Club, 6 p.m.

Activities Schedule

Pilota practice is at the Aphessetche Trinquet  and at the Centro Basco during the spring & summer months. 9 a.m. on Sundays. Email Mike Aphessetche for information at

Pala practice at the Aphessetche Trinquet.  Time will fluctuate, so phone John Plaa for information (951) 205-6030.

Dance Practices at the Chino Basque Club, 4 p.m. on Sundays

Board of Directors

President: JB Aguerre (c)

Vice-President: Isidore Camou

Treasurer: Jeanette Duhart

Secretary / Newsletter: Marianna Etcheverria

Directors:  Martin Almirantearena Jeanette Bidart, Andréa Bidart-Oteiza, Louise Camou, Begoña Echeverria,  Steve Gamboa, Mitch Gariador, Kathie Goyeneche, Norberta St. Esteben

Mus ChairpersonJ.B. Aguerre (c)

Jr. Mus CoordinatorCandida Echeverria

Club Event CoordinatorCandida Echeverria

Cooking CrewI. Camou, S. Gamboa, Mitch Gariador & N. Irisarri

Kitchen crew contactMaite Petrissans

Bar Crew: Candida Echeverria 

Building Manager: Jeanette Duhart

Outside Grounds: J.B. Aguerre (g) 

Xori Ttipiak: Anita Duhart-Peacock, Bernadette Iturriria & Michelle Jaureguy

Euskaldun Izarrak: Annette Indaburu, Jeanette Duhart & Angela Arrosagaray-Cossey

Dantzari Onestak: Maite Maisterrena & Aline Anema

Gauden Bat: Christian Jaureguy & Hannah Isom

Entertainment: Andréa Bidart-Oteiza & John Ysursa

Klika Coordinator: Dominique Camou

Klika Instructors: Gilbert Lanathoua & Martin Almirantearena

NABO Representatives: Denis Petrissans & John Plaa

Basque Liturgies: Aita Javier Altuna, Germaine, Evelyne & Gilbert Lanathoua

Established in 1968 | NABO Member since 1978


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P.O. Box 1080

Chino, CA 91710

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