Chino Basque Club Newsletter, March 2017
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Monthly Newsletter | March 2017


Sunday, March 26, 2017 at 12 p.m.
Tripotas & Chicken

Adults, $18 | Children, $8

click here to make reservations
Congratulations to our new President, JB Aguerre, who will lead us through our 50th Anniversary this year.  Changes also include Denis Petrissans and John Plaa who have been named NABO representatives.  The "Club Events Coordinator" position goes to Candida Echeverria and Mitch Gariador has been added to the Kitchen Crew.  Thank you, in advance, to every one as well as to the board for your commitment, dedication and cooperation.
An estimated 100-120 participants are expected to be in the Southern California area
from June 25 through July 7, 2017.
We are in desperate need of more housing. If you feel you can help with housing for only one week, that will work.  If you are not able to "house" perhaps you could help with meal donations and/or 
transportation.  This would be a wonderful way for you to get to know our future Basque friends from other parts of the country.  

If you can help in any way please contact:
Maite Maisterrena at (909) 240-5159 or Aline Anema at (951) 205-3668
Congratulations to our  newest CBC member Adrien Elicegui.  
We look forward to working with you!
Everyone enjoyed the delicious meal prepared by
Steven & Sandra Gamboa, Ulla Larsen & Michael McKay
but no one enjoyed the evening more than
Maite Petrissans & Ronald Labrucherie.
These would be the last two names picked and both agreed to split the grand prize.
Music was provided by Denise Duhart & Denis Petrissans.
Thank you, Mary Louise Labrucherie, for housing KETXO last month.  KETXO entertained all those who attended our February club lunch.  Everyone enjoyed the music and ambience provided by this group from Basse Navarre, France.
On April 26, 1937, warplanes from Germany bombed Guernica for about two hours.  It was market day in the small village and most of the people were congregated in the center of town.  This was truly an act of victimizing defenseless humanity.  What remained standing was the oak tree in town; it has since become the symbol of peace and continued life.  The Chino Basque Club was given seedlings from this sacred tree and they were planted in 2006 in the front of our clubhouse.  Join us in memorializing this symbol  for dinner on Saturday, April 22 at 6 p.m.  


Scholarship Fund: 
  • In Honor of Noeline Mocho's 85th Birthday by Anonymous
Donations to Memorial Fund or Scholarship Fund can be sent to:
Chino Basque Club   |   PO Box 1080   |   Chino, CA 91710


26 > CBC Club Lunch, 12 p.m.


1>  PVW Run/Walk, 7 a.m.

22 > CBC Club Dinner & Tribute to Guernikako Arbola, 6 p.m.

30 > Dance Practice for Eskualdun Izarrak & Dantzari Onestak, 4 p.m.


20 > CBC Club Dinner, 6 p.m. celebrating the 1980's

Activities Schedule

Pilota practice is at the Aphessetche Trinquet  (winter months) and at the Centro Basco during the spring & summer months. 9 a.m. on Sundays. Email Mike Aphessetche for information at mikexa70@gmail.com.

Pala practice at the Aphessetche Trinquet.  Time will fluctuate, so phone John Plaa for information (951) 205-6030.

Dance Practices will begin Sunday, April 30 at 4 p.m. for Eskualdun Izarrak & Dantzari Onestak,  Txori Ttipiak will begin in May. 

Board of Directors

President: JB Aguerre (c)
Vice-President: Isidore Camou
Treasurer: Jeanette Duhart
Secretary / Newsletter: Marianna Etcheverria  
Directors:  Martin Almirantearena Jeanette Bidart, Andréa Bidart-Oteiza, Louise Camou, Begoña Echeverria,  Steve Gamboa, Mitch Gariador, Kathie Goyeneche, Norberta St. Esteben
Mus ChairpersonJ.B. Aguerre (c)
Jr. Mus CoordinatorCandida Echeverria  
Club Event CoordinatorCandida Echeverria
Cooking CrewI. Camou, S. Gamboa, Mitch Gariador & N. Irisarri
Kitchen crew contactMaite Petrissans
Bar Crew: Candida Echeverria 
Building Manager: Jeanette Duhart
Outside Grounds: J.B. Aguerre (g) 
Xori Ttipiak: Anita Duhart-Peacock, Bernadette Iturriria & Michelle Jaureguy
Euskaldun Izarrak: Annette Indaburu, Jeanette Duhart & Angela Arrosagaray-Cossey
Dantzari Onestak: Maite Maisterrena & Aline Anema
Gauden Bat: Christian Jaureguy & Hannah Isom 
Entertainment: Andréa Bidart-Oteiza & John Ysursa 
Klika Coordinator: Dominique Camou
Klika Instructors: Gilbert Lanathoua & Martin Almirantearena 
NABO Representatives: Denis Petrissans & John Plaa
Basque Liturgies: Aita Javier Altuna, Germaine, Evelyne & Gilbert Lanathoua 
Established in 1968 | NABO Member since 1978
Copyright © 2016, All rights reserved.

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